Please read the Membership Descriptions carefully before clicking the Join Now button found at the bottom of this page.
If you are currently a member and are renewing - please log in with your username/password, hover the cursor over your name and a box will open. Click on the red dot with an arrow in it.
Manager Member - is an individual directly employed by a medical practice in the State of Georgia with at least one licensed physician formally organized for health care delivery, or an individual directly employed by a management organization, hospital/hospital system, practice management firm or other independent business entity in the State of Georgia which provides administrative and related support services to one or more medical practices of at least one licensed physician formally organized for health care delivery. (These can include MSO’s, PHO's, and IPA's.) The individual must have direct management responsibilities or be engaged in the daily operation of such business entity. Annual dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors. Each Manager Member shall be entitled to one vote and is eligible to hold office and serve on committees.
Associate Member - Is an individual who works for an organization whose primary function is to provide management or consultative services through a specified agreement for one or more physicians or physician groups or hospital. The physician, physician groups, or hospitals that receive service must be engaged in the practice of medicine as a legal entity or as part of a legal entity. Associate members are not eligible to serve as voting members of the board of directors; however, they may serve on committees.
Affiliate Member - is an organization or individual which provides products and services directly to health care delivery organizations. Examples of these are accounting/financial services, legal or consulting services, data processing or information management systems/services and office or medical systems/suppliers; or an organization or individual that provides health care services by non-physician providers such as physical therapy services, home health care services, ancillary services, etc. Affiliate members cannot vote, hold office but may serve on committees with Board approval. Annual dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
Benefits Received Are:
- Receive all benefits of a Manager Member with the exception of being able to vote or hold an office;
- Contact information placed on Affiliate page of website;
- Contact information placed in attendee folders at all meetings.
Athens Area GMGMA does not assume any liability for products or services provided by Affiliate members or their organizations to other association members.